Friday, April 12, 2013

Buy your NOT TODAY tickets ... today!

If you are a movie goer and tonight is the night you want to head to the theaters to hand over a lot of your hard earned money - then make your money count!

How many times have you bought tickets to a movie where you were entertained and someone's life was saved?

Me? Can't think of one time.

Today is different. Today you can make a difference. Today you can buy tickets to see the new movie hitting select theaters titled Not Today. The proceeds from this film, by Friends Media, a ministry of Friends Church in Yorba Linda, California go towards changing the actual lives of Dalit people in India.

Here is a quote from the movie website:
Working in partnership with the Dalit Freedom Network, Friends Church has made a $20 million commitment to build 200 schools for Dalit children. With education, young Dalits gain an understanding that we are all created equally and can live purpose-filled lives. According to Dr. Joseph D'souza, the International President of the Dalit Freedom Network:
"For three thousand years, one dominant religion branded more than one fourth of our nation's population as sub-human—nearly three hundred million people known by many as Dalits. Historically, any interaction between this alienated group and the mainstream has been met with harsh penalties, even violence. Separatism has been the accepted norm. It puts our nation in league with South Africa's old apartheid and some of the worst systems of slavery in the world."
Can one movie change everything in India? No. But what if that one movie could open the eyes of millions and challenge them to join in this meaningful fight? "There is a longing in the human heart for freedom," says Pastor Cork. "It is a universal longing."
NOT TODAY is a powerful reminder and call to action. If not today, then when?

Some amazing people have lent their voices to this movie and this cause. Listen to this video from Kari Jobe, one of the industry's premier worship leaders (currently on tour with Chris Tomlin).

If you're ready to hit the theaters tonight or this weekend here is some information. Unfortunately the film is very few starting locations (US only - CA, CO, FL, GA, MD, OH, OR, TN, TX, VA,WA). Check out the movie website for opportunities to bring it to your church, community or city.

If I haven't convinced you yet, or you live far from anywhere playing the movie (like me) you can still make a difference. Watch this video from the cast of Not Today to see what you can do today! A two minute video to change lives.

Because if Not Today, then when?

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