Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Christmas giving at its best!

We are too privileged. Too blessed.  And beyond any meaning of the word lucky.


Because we were born here and not there.

I, like many of you have no idea what it would be like to be born in a third world. We can't do any more than re-visualize the photos we've seen of what it would be like to raise our children in slums, poverty and illness.

We are too privileged.

In the midst our affluence we give here or give there; we sponsor children and we pray for them; we send over shoe boxes and useful clothing items, but are we really doing enough? If you were a mother living in poverty forced to giver her children up solely so they could eat, would you think we were doing enough?

I don't know.  But I do know this ... I am convicted that I am not doing enough.

The-Lulu-Tree-125x125Please, please go over to Emily T Weirenga's website and post about a new foundation she's starting because she felt the tug of God to do more.  It is called The Lulu Tree.
And here's my challenge to you, one that I have made myself ... in my blessed affluence, if I should ever offer a gift to someone - a family member, friend or colleague - may it be a gift that gives to the world.  Go to Emily's foundation or others like it and promise yourself that every time you give out of your extra abundance (cuz that what present-buying, coffee-purchasing, movie-watching and shoe-shopping is) that a life can be changed.

And if you haven't had a chance to pick up Emily's book Atlas Girl - go now! Check out my review or visit her website to find out more.

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