Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Be strong and courageous.

The Lord gave it as a command.  Not a suggestion.  Not a really good way to tackle your life.  But simply a command.

Be courageous.

Do not fear.

Take courage.

Don't let your hearts be troubled.

Do not be alarmed.

These are all scripture quotes.  If you want to know where I will list them at the end of the post.  The bottom line here is that God wasn't joking around.  He said 'be courageous' . . . so do it.

Oh, if life in Christ was only so easy.  I heard you sigh.  I did too.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Have you heard the news?

Toby Mac is coming to Calgary on October 17th.  I saw him in concert at YC 2009 in Edmonton.  He gives a phenomenal performance.  Not just a guy standing at a mic singing - that's for sure.

Here are a few links to some of his songs you might enjoy.
Lose my Soul
Get Back Up - I have a novel idea for this one.
Made to Love

However, my reason for posting this is the opening act he is bringing with him.  Her name is Jamie Grace.  When it was announced I was a little surprised I had never heard the name.  So I intended to go home and google it.  However later that day, (I was driving in my van) I heard a Jamie Grace song.  It made me want to park my van and get out and dance on the QE II.  Thank goodness I didn't.

Check it out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Check out this awesome Mom

I have a very special friend named Heidi.  She has taught me so many things about being a mother, wife and sister in Christ.  She encourages me almost everyday with her comments on my blog. Her resume is impressive.  Let me share some of it with you.

  • Homeschooling and raising three awesome kids
  • Operates a business with her husband from her home 
  • Tackles the leadership role at our church for our mid-week children's church and summer VBS
  • Turns a passion for photography into a part time job
  • Spends time with family and friends to nurture those relationship
This is only the tip of the iceberg folks.  Please join me in providing her a dose of the encouragement she so often dishes out to the people around her.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fall into the arms of Jesus

Those words are from a popular song on the radio these days.  It is titled Stronger by Mandisa.

If you don't know who Mandisa is, let me introduce you.  she participated in the 2006 American Idol televised competition.  She was voted off the show at the final three.  She tackled a mountain really.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fear never wrote a book.

Courage did.  Faith did.

Those are the words of Max Lucado.  You can take the words 'wrote a book' out and put in anything you want... started a business, dealt with a painful past, repaired a broken marriage, admitted to a deep sin.  You know what you need to put in there. For me it is obviously writing a book.

I am not afraid to write them.  I am afraid to admit to them and make them known.  However I will admit pasting online a work in progress (or WIP for those in the 'Biz') was a huge step in the right direction.  And I'm not done writing it.  I know some of you may be wondering what is going on.  It has been weeks since I posted the last partial page.  However I guess I am taking a breather.  A chance to sit back and listen to the sound of hope as it rises up from the accomplishments I've made.  Sound cheesy?

Well, here's cheesy for you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Please welcome a special guest

In our home there is more than one writer.  In fact long before I ever took pen to paper, one of my daughters dreamed of being an author.  She has nurtured her love of writing lots over the years and continues to put forth many items.

Two years ago she had a poem entered into a contest and it was published.  I will post that on a different day.  Today she has given me permission to show you a short story she wrote at school one day when she was supposed to be journaling.

(The only liberties I have taken in transcribing this is spelling errors.)

May I present "The Duck Dream" By Kendra Janz.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Read it and ... weep?

Several comments have been made on my chapters received from other writers.  You can read them under the tab Unwritten - new novel contest.

I am happy with them so far.  I cannot see what rating out of five stars they have given me until I get four reviews.  My goal is to have those done by Tuesday.  I will keep you posted.

Sorry for being brief today.  I will have a special post tomorrow from a guest.  I know it is not the right day for it, but I thought I might owe you one for my short one today.


Friday, June 3, 2011

There is more ...

Greetings folks!
I missed a day of posting.  I honestly feel like my world has been turned on its heels.  I wish I could tell you all of it but then we'd be here forever.

I will start with my weekend.

As a chaperon for our Youth Group I went to YC Edmonton.  If you have never heard of it, it is the gathering of about 16,000 youth who come together for a weekend to listen to cool rock bands and incredible speakers sing and talk about God.  It is overwhelming ... and I don't just mean the volume!

This was my second time there and I honestly hope I can go many more years.  Although I do have to admit that my 39 year old body complained more than it did two years ago.  However for me there is no replacement for seeing young people in love with Jesus.

I did not grow up a believer.  I didn't find The Way until I was