Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We were made to be Courageous!

Are you counting down the days?  I am.

I won't bore you with the true hour and minute statistics and simply state that there is less than two weeks left.  Roughly nine days until Courageous hits the theatres.  I am so excited.

If you haven't heard of this movie, let me introduce you to an amazing ministry.  The Kendrick brothers have been using their training as pastors to touch the world through film.

The first film they created is called Flywheel.  It was a very low budget/big dream attempt to put faith on the big screen.  Don't let 'low budget' colour your interpretation.  The story is powerful and the faith message is crystal clear.  God will not be mocked by our attempts to appear pious or religious.  Instead when He gets a hold of you He will change you beyond your wildest dreams. Check it out.

Their second run at this new adventure brings us Facing the Giants.  It is a movie about a football coach and his wife who are allowed the privilege of watching their biggest fears and concerns come face-to-face with the Great I Am.  The Kendrick boys had definitely learned a few more things about film production by this time and the picture makes it to the big screen.

But God is not done with these two brothers.
The third film to grace us is Fireproof.  This one went out worldwide as a theatre film and a ministry tool to hurting marriages.  It is about a fireman who cannot put out the fires in his own marriage without the Great Healer.  Watch this movie, buy this movie and share this movie with every person in your life that is married - believer or not.

Now folks, in ten days we will get a chance to see the fourth instalment in an unstoppable movement of God working in the worldly realm of Hollywood.  This story, Courageous, follows four men who are peace officers and are challenged in their role as leader of the home.

I have posted about this movie a little before and you can check it out here.  However today I am more focused on the man behind the story.  Alex Kendrick has been a face in all four of his movies. He is multi-talented. He writes and directs them with his brother Stephan, who is behind the camera.  I have learned so much about the heart beating inside of these men by watching the commentaries of their movies and countless interviews.  I am without a doubt impressed.

I recently found another interview done by Alex for the amazing website I am Second.  (I have posted about this website before here.)  

Please check out his interview.  It is slightly over ten minutes long but well worth it.  God doesn't give away his talents for free.  They costs us sometimes.  God molds those He calls.  It is undeniable.


  1. Need someone to go to Courageous with? I might be free.

  2. Soooo excited to see this movie!!

  3. Wanna double date Heidi? I know a few babysitters.

  4. Ben & I have been wanting to go on a date & I asked him if we could go...but he hasn't answered yet. Wouldn't want to barge in on your date though....
