I have been reading a book for review titled You're Made for a God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth. Stay tuned for the actual review in a few days!
It has been a great read and an exhausting read ... I cry every time I pick it up.
Do you have a dream? Maybe a little idea that has been nagging your thoughts for sometime now? Or maybe you HAD a dream but it got lost in doubts, fears and failures?
Be encouraged today. Have faith.
God-sized dreams don't have to be BIG in size and scope, but they are BIG because of the purpose they have in our lives.
I have known for a few years now that my dream is God's design. I have ridden many waves up and down of on board/off board with what He is doing in me, but it was November of this past year when I completely jumped off the ride. I wanted to be done with it ALL!
Slowly, softly God never quit as He drew me nearer to Him and held my heart (and dream) in His Hands. Jodi, He'd say, I have more planned. I have more in store. Don't lose hope and most importantly don't lose sight of ME.
I wrote a message on a forum board for authors/writers that I am a part of, sharing my confusion and frustration. One wonderful woman, Beth shared life-giving words with me of what's she learned on her journey. It helped me to see the bigger picture - the God-sized dream. I want to share them with you.
In God's economy, from his perspective, the writing life isn't about my being published (or not). It's not about sales or awards.I didn't quit. Thankfully I followed the still small voice of God and good friends, and kept writing. Some exciting things have happened for me over the beginning months of 2013 that wouldn't have been tasted if I had given up. But - and this is the most important part -
In God's economy, the writing life is about conforming me to his image -- scraping off whatever doesn't look like him in my life so that I can better reflect him to the world.
And he can do that -- he can change me to look more like him -- wherever I am along the writing road.
Why am I saying all this?
To encourage you to allow God to use wherever you are along the writing road to press you closer to him. To let him use whatever is happening -- the successes and the disappointments -- to change you into the woman he wants you to become so that when people look at you they see him.
Yes, he's called you to write.
But, above all else, he's called you to transformation -- and writing is a means to that end.
I didn't give up on Him.
Through reading Holley's book I am starting to see my "dream" is really Him wrapped up in a bound book. He is the one I am after. He is the thing I want most. He is the fulfillment of all I could ever dream, hope or imagine.
So, let me whisper quietly to you, don't give up! Or if you haven't started then stop fearing, stop doubting and just fall into His embrace. It won't be easy. It won't be exactly what you imagine it to be.
It WILL be worth it. No matter what it looks like at the end.
(Thanks Beth!)
Thanks so much for sharing this Jodi:). I'm so glad you didn't give up on your dream!