I had read some scripture versions from The Message New Testament but I had never owned one. It was a treat to sit down and read through scripture as if it were a story book. In Eugene's own words he says,
“The Message is a reading Bible. It is not intended to replace the excellent study Bibles that are available. My intent here is simply to get people reading it who don’t know that the Bible is read-able at all, at least by them, and to get people who long ago lost interest in the Bible to read it again.” Eugene H. PetersonFor the purpose of this book review, I obviously couldn't read it cover to cover as I would with other review books. Instead I placed it next to my NIV Study Bible at the coffee table where I do my morning devotions. Then each morning I would read my scripture segment from my NIV and then from The Message.
I think The Message:Remix has earned a permanent place there!
I found the language easy to process and very visual. If you aren't familiar with this version please pick your favorite scriptures and google them with The Message in the search line. Check out for yourself the impact and imagery that could be added to your personal bible study.
However I found the pages far too thin and difficult to turn. The words from the back side of the page were distractedly obvious on the page I was reading.
At the beginning of each book of the Bible there is an introductory page. I found these informative and enlightening. Peterson is a Pastor and his pastor-heart is found on every page but especially in the introductions. Each one I read felt like sitting in a pew listening to a great reflection in a sermon. (Hopefully that doesn't sound boring to you - that is not my intention.)
One last comment is that The Message: Remix is intended for a Youth market. From the sections I read I found it useful and applicable to all ages.
If I have piqued your interest, please check out a few places. First is a website, Read Think Pray Live. Secondly, is an interview with Eugene Peterson, Faithful to the End.
"Book has been provided courtesy of NavPress and Graf-Martin Communications Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller.”
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