My sister in law directed me to this Youtube video. I do not have cable tv so I am a little behind the times. (Thanks Kristi!)
Recently, Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill performed this hymn at a music awards show that is televised around the world. It is powerful. (see video here)
It tickles my heart (and tear ducts) to see My God worshiped and glorified on National television. Then to receive a standing ovation to boot. I am sure many folks out there think that the audience was standing for Carrie's amazing voice. However I have a different thought.
There are countless people who grew up on bible stories and prayers of a faithful grandparent. Some were sitting in that audience. There is an abundance of folks who know what they believe, but with the pressures of fame and fortune they have forgotten how to live it. Some of them were sitting in that concert hall. There are endless stories of individuals who have an ache in their heart but they don't know what fills it. They have tried fame, they have tried alcohol and drugs, or relationships and money. Someone once penned it as a God-shaped hole that nothing else will fill. Some of the awe-inspired faces in that crowd were these people.
I think this performance is a perfect example of what God will do to bring His people to Himself. He took a willing servant, Carrie and Vince, and poured out His love on a mass of unsuspecting Country folk.
People were clapping for God that night. At least the ones who stood first. (I believe that!!)
This video also reminds me a scripture that I often consider. It is in Isaiah, chapter 55, verse 10 and 11.
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty."
Let us, the ones that love God and love His people, storm the gates of heaven in prayer for every soul that was present in that building that night; and every faceless soul that watched over the TV airwaves; and every precious one that has viewed it online - let's pray that the impact that song had will not be void, but that it will return to Jesus filled with prayers of redemption, renewal and recommittment.
Psalm 48:1 "Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised." Amen.
Wow. I don't know what else to say. That was phenomenal. There is definitely something very, very special about seeing a song like that sung in front of a national audience!! God is great!!!