Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Does Utopia exist?

I watched a movie recently that touched me deeply.  It is called Seven Days in Utopia and you may have seen it on the shelves of your local video store.  If you have, RENT it!

Here is the trailer.  The movie website is at this link.

Seven Days in Utopia is the story of a man brought to his knees - in front of an audience.  He is a Pro golfer that loses more than his cool on the course one critical day.  But when his life is derailed and he changes course he finds himself in Utopia, Texas for seven days.

What can you do in seven days?  Paint your house?  Write a book?  Train your pet?  Take a cruise? Dr. Kevin Leman claims I can have a new teenager in seven days.  (I'm reading that to find out if it's true.)

God's word tells us that He can do anything in seven days.  He created the world.  He can change lives.  In this movie, a fellow golfer shows our main character a new way to look at life but it all revolves around the change that only God can make.

What do you need to happen in seven days?
  • heal a relationship
  • redeem a broken situation
  • choose a future path
  • repair a wrong
I'm not here to blindly offer you a solution to all your problems if you order now!  God doesn't work that way.  Sometimes we slog through a lot of grey and dreary days before we see the sun.  Sometimes wounds take years to heal.  Maybe you will not see the results of a consistent witness to an unbelieving friend even in this lifetime.  That doesn't mean there is no hope.  In fact the key to hope is that God CAN do it in seven days.  And he specializes in detours. :)

You are on the road to success if you realize that failure is only a detour.  In order to realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the stress of the storm. When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away your ticket and jump off.  You sit still and trust the engineer.  Our trust and hope are not in the promises, but in the One who made the promises."  ~~ Corrie ten Boom

If you've read the book Golf's Sacred Journey: Seven Days at the Links of Utopia, or watched the movie, you were left with the question 'did he make the putt?'.  Be sure to follow up the links you were given to see what the next chapter of the story is.  Because God doesn't stop working once He gets your attention.  He promises to take you to the next step.

Phil 1:6  For I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

My next post will be about how over time God can make changes that seem so miniscule and barely detectable until one day you find yourself standing in a totally different line that you thought you were before.  Come check it out May 11.

F.Y.I.  There really is a Utopia, Texas.  I visited their website and found some really cool things out.  Including this:

Message from the Producers & Marketing team:
Seven Days In Utopia movie opened modestly on Friday Sept.2nd and went up Saturday, then jumped significantly Sunday and then was up again Monday (Labor Day)!
Movies never do that, and as we were researching, we went back to 2007 and couldn't find one movie that went UP on Labor Day!
Add to that, the fact that more than 250,000 people visited the website in the first four days!  And the best part of all, more than 600 people decided to go all the way with Christ and commit their lives to Him!  And that's just the opening weekend!
By the 3rd week over 1000 people have given their lives to Christ on our web site.

Robert Duvall is Johnny Crawford and Lucas Black is playing Luke Chisolm (the young golfer)
Based on the book – ‘Golf's Sacred Journey, 7 Days at the Links of Utopia’ is really a book about life; it just so happens that the main character's life is all about golf. A professional golfer, who is actually never named in the book, has a breakdown on the golf course during a tournament in which he was favored to do well.  Despondent and despairing of his future in golf, he wanders into the town of Utopia, where he providentially meets Johnny, a former golf pro who has retired to a quite country life.  Johnny, a Yoda-like teacher, who is building a golf course in a field in the middle of nowhere; takes the young golfer under his wing and spends a week completely reshaping the way he thinks about the game of golf and life.
The Books web site -

God is doing something through Hollywood.  Praise Him!  (BTW, October Baby topped the $5 Million mark at the box office by the beginning of May.)


  1. Thanks! Think I want to see this one.

  2. Really want to see this one & October Baby....think I need to plan a movie night:)
